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Private salons and the art world of Enlightenment Paris

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Private salons and the art world of Enlightenment Paris

Auteurs :
Ziskin, Rochelle Auteur du texte
Editeur :
1 vol. (XV-333 p.) : ill. : 24 cm
Note générale :
Note Contenu : Le tableau de Joseph VERNET "La Bergère des Alpes" (1761) appartenant au musée des Beaux-Arts de Tours est reproduit p. 254, figure 44. [MBA Tours]
In Private Salons and the Art World of Enlightenment Paris, Rochelle Ziskin explores in depth two remarkable private gatherings generating significant art criticism during the middle of the eighteenth century. She demonstrates how the sites harboring them came to embody and disseminate their judgments. One politically active group assembled at the house Mme Doublet shared with amateur Petit de Bachaumont; at her "Mondays" for artists, Mme Geoffrin collaborated with the powerful lover of antiquity Caylus and amateurs including Mariette and Watelet. In focusing on official Salons of the Royal Academy of Painting and Sculpture, historians too often overlook the crucial role of these frequent, regular assemblies. There works of art were quite often first assessed and taste shaped. [4e de couverture]
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Disponible Bibliothèque du Musée des Beaux-arts Salle MUS 07 111
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